Strong Support for Revoking COVID-19 mRNA Emergency Use

Frontline Doctors Strongly Urge Revocation of COVID-19 Shot Emergency Use Authorization

This shot, more than most, needs to go through rigorous testing before being re-approved.”

Dr. Joseph Varon

(Washington, DC) – The frontline doctors of the Independent Medical Alliance (IMA) joined a growing chorus of medical experts from across the nation in strongly urging the FDA to immediately revoke the Emergency Use Authorization of the COVID-19 mRNA shot.

This is one of the most dangerous shots that has ever been put into use,” said IMA President and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Joseph Varon. “COVID is no longer an emergency, and this mRNA treatment, more than most, needs to go through rigorous testing before being re-approved.”

There are now thousands of peer-reviewed studies showing serious adverse events to using mRNA, including myocarditis, blood clots, autoimmune disorders, severe immunosuppression, neurodegenerative disorders like dementia, Parkinson’s, and prion disease,” continued Varon. “Doctors throughout the nation are also reporting a dramatic increase in cancers from primaries to aggressive reactivations that were considered cured, and in uncharacteristically younger patients. These incidents should be reason enough to delay any new mRNA therapy rollouts.”

The Independent Medical Alliance (formerly Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, FLCCC) is the nation’s leading organization of front-line healthcare providers. IMA Action ( is the 501c4 advocacy arm of the Independent Medical Alliance (, a 501c3 non-profit organization.

IMA Action launched a widespread grassroots campaign over the weekend, contacting more than one hundred thousand Louisiana families advocating for confirmation of RFK Jr. to HHS Secretary and helping constituents connect with Senator Cassidy’s state offices to express their views.

IMA Action delivered a letter to the US Senate advocating for confirmation of RFK Jr. – a letter which now includes signatures from over 31,000 doctors, healthcare providers, scientists and concerned citizens. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) entered this letter into the official US Senate records.

About IMA (Formerly FLCCC Alliance)

The Independent Medical Alliance™ is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization and coalition of physicians, nurses, and healthcare professionals united by a mission to restore trust and transparency in healthcare. The organization’s mission is one driven by Honest Medicine™ that prioritizes patients above profits and emphasizes long-term wellness and disease prevention through empowerment of both physicians and their patients. With a focus on evidence-based medicine, informed consent, and systemic reform, IMA is driving a movement to create a more compassionate and effective healthcare system.

For more information about the Independent Medical Alliance, visit


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