The Hope Accord: A Call To End COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

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Speakers: Dr. Kat Lindley, Dr. Joseph Varone, Dr. Jackie Stone, Dr. Timothy Kelly

Host Dr. Kat Lindley is joined by Dr. Joseph Varon, Dr. Jackie Stone, and Dr. Tim Kelly for this crucial discussion. They will explore the urgent need to re-evaluate all COVID-19 vaccines, the support required for those affected by adverse events, and the ethical principles that must guide our medical practices. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage in a conversation that aims to protect public health and ensure responsible medical decision-making.

“The reason we’re talking about The Hope Accord tonight is because we want to make sure that we get as many of you as possible to sign it with us.” – Dr. Kat Lindley

The Hope Accord is an urgent initiative uniting healthcare professionals, scientists, and concerned citizens to address the critical issues surrounding COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. With mounting evidence suggesting these vaccines may be linked to increased disability and mortality rates, The Hope Accord calls for their immediate suspension until comprehensive safety evaluations are conducted.

This initiative also emphasizes the importance of recognizing and supporting individuals who have suffered vaccine-related injuries, and restoring fundamental medical ethics.

In an era where transparency and medical ethics have been increasingly scrutinized, The Hope Accord stands as a beacon of hope and integrity.

Why The Hope Accord is Needed

The Hope Accord is a movement that started in the UK but has since gone international. They’ve made considerable strides, as the following numbers can attest (up to date as of July 22, 2024):

Total Supporters: 50,007
Medical Doctors: 1,495
Other Healthcare Professionals: 4,246
Scientists & Academics: 1,650
Concerned Citizens: 42,616

It has been discussed on Dr. John Campbell’s popular YouTube Channel and a number of popular podcasts. Now, they are here at the FLCCC to ask for our support!

The Hope Accord outlines several crucial goals to address the ongoing concerns surrounding COVID-19 mRNA vaccines:

Immediate suspension of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine products.
Comprehensive reevaluation of the safety and efficacy of all COVID-19 vaccine products.
Immediate recognition and support for the vaccine-injured.
Restoration of ethical principles abandoned during the COVID-19 era.
Addressing the root causes of our current predicament.

Dr. Timothy Kelly, one of the original authors, emphasized that this initiative is about uniting healthcare professionals and the public to demand transparency and accountability.

Another important reminder from Dr. Kelly is that we must all do our part to ensure our healthcare system remains ethically intact:

“And so what we need to do is remember that these ethical issues are every doctor’s responsibility, not just some ethics committee somewhere, it’s every doctor that needs to be awake towards what’s been happening.”

Sign the Hope Accord at and, if you have the goods, you can submit evidence or resources to

Dr. Jackie Stone: The Hope Accord & Africa’s Success

Dr. Jackie Stone, FLCCC’s Senior Fellow in Holistic and Integrative Medicine, was instantly drawn to The Hope Accord.

“I signed The Hope Accord partly because I strongly believe that the vaccine-injured need to be treated. I also feel that Africa can teach the rest of the world how to manage this because we have managed it very successfully.”

Dr. Stone brings a wealth of experience from Zimbabwe. Her insights into functional medicine and traditional healing methods offer valuable perspectives on managing COVID-19 and other health challenges. Dr. Stone has been instrumental in advocating for natural, affordable solutions and emphasizes the importance of local knowledge and practices.

People who followed the COVID crisis closely all know that Africa handled matters very well. They had fewer cases, fewer deaths, and as a continent, Africa had the lowest COVID vaccination rate at around 52%.

Another potential source of protection for people throughout Africa is their widespread use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. These medications have been extensively used in Africa to combat parasites and malaria. Consequently, individuals already taking these drugs may have been unwittingly afforded higher levels of protection against COVID infections compared to those in other regions.

“I think Africa has huge lessons to teach the rest of the world. The real-world data is there, and it’s easy to see: we had 1/500th of the death rate of the US in Zimbabwe. We have less than half the incidence of cancer, and our incidence of cancer is not skyrocketing like it is elsewhere in the world.”

At the upcoming Zimbabwe Cancer Summit (July 25–27, 2024), Dr. Stone will share her expertise on integrative medicine, highlighting the effectiveness of holistic approaches in treating long COVID and other chronic diseases.

FLCCC’s Solidarity with The Hope Accord

The FLCCC Alliance proudly supports the Hope Accord, aligning with its mission to promote truth, empower doctors and patients, and restore trust in healthcare. Our commitment to patient-centered care and medical integrity drives us to advocate for a thorough re-evaluation of COVID-19 vaccines.

Many of our partners and fellows are speaking out, letting you know that your voice can have an impact as theirs do. Of course, we’d be remiss if we didn’t share these powerful words from our president, Dr. Joseph Varon:

“Now, more than 50% of the patients I see are vaccine injured patients. As a clinician, I have to follow my basic ethical principles. First, do no harm…”

Dr. @joevaron, FLCCC President and Chief Medical Officer, sharing why he signed @TheHopeAccord. Learn more or sign the…

— FLCCC Alliance (@Honest_Medicine) July 24, 2024

Dr. Kat Lindley also lent us her significant voice in the following post:

It was my honor to sign The Hope Accord calling for the immediate suspension of mRNA C19 products, the immediate recognition and support for those injured by the shots, re-evaluation of the safety and efficacy data, and restoration of ethical principles lost
Primum Non Nocere!

— Dr. Kat Lindley (@KLVeritas) July 24, 2024

Read more: FLCCC Statement of Support for The Hope Accord

Moving Forward with Hope

The Hope Accord represents a collective effort to uphold the highest standards of medical ethics and patient safety. By signing the Accord and supporting this vital movement, we can ensure a more transparent and accountable healthcare system.

Join us in this mission of Honest Medicine—to protect public health and restore trust in healthcare:

Sign the Hope Accord at
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Together, we can make a difference and pave the way for a healthier, more ethical future in medicine!

The post The Hope Accord: A Call To End COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines appeared first on FLCCC Alliance.

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