“Pediatricians urge everyone to keep your immune system updated by getting the 2024-2025 COVID vaccine,” we read on Healthychilren.org, a website maintained by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Unbelievable as it may sound, there are still pediatricians in America today who vaccinate healthy children against Covid-19. They do this in the absence of any good medical reason for doing so. These pediatricians keep engaging in this senseless and dangerous practice even though data, science, and common sense clearly indicate that this should not be done.
To begin with, children are at virtually no risk of serious Covid. The infection fatality rate for ages 0-19 is only around 0.0003. This is a very low figure, indeed. Low as it is, this number includes all children, including seriously ill ones with weakened immune systems who are especially vulnerable to fall victim to viral infections. Thus, for healthy youngsters, the chances of dying of Covid are for all practical purposes zero.
As early as October 2021, the New York Times conceded that to healthy children “the danger of severe Covid is so low as to be difficult to quantify.” In other words, the risk is essentially non-existent. To give a sense of perspective, a healthy child is far more likely to perish in a car accident than to die of Covid-19.
Secondly, it is widely known that the Covid vaccines do not prevent transmission. Those who receive them are no less likely to contract Covid than those who do not. Perhaps the most glaring manifestation of this took place in December of 2021 when dozens of U.S. universities – including Yale and Princeton – had to close early because of widespread outbreaks of Covid-19 among their student populations. This happened even though – due to strict mandates – the vaccine uptake at those institutions was generally 96 percent or higher.
Not only do the Covid vaccines not prevent transmission, but some reiterations in their ever-growing series – we are currently at number ten – have had what experts euphemistically call “negative efficacy.” This means that people who receive the shots are more likely to contract Covid-19 than those who do not. This should make it clear that there is no public health utility in vaccinating children against Covid, since the vaccine will not stop or slow down the spread of the virus. If anything, it may increase the rate of its proliferation.
Thirdly, it is a well-established fact that Covid injections carry a range of severe side effects. A great deal has been said, for example, about blood clots and myocarditis in young men. As early as 2022 there were already more than one thousand studies and articles published discussing adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines. This material had appeared in scientific and medical journals and publications and much of it was peer-reviewed. Below are some of the side effects of the Covid vaccines documented in these publications:
Blood clotting
Cerebral haemorrhage
Venous thrombosis
Acute thrombosis of the coronary tree
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
Guillain-Barré syndrome
What these clearly show is that the vaccines are far from safe. Quite apart from being ineffective, they are, in fact, very dangerous. The reports of injuries and deaths in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database have exploded exponentially since the introduction of the Covid injections. The reported side effects for these medicaments in the last four years well exceed the combined total of all reported events for all vaccines in the 35-year history of the database.
Many children have been killed or seriously injured by these unsafe, improperly tested substances. There have been, for example, dozens and dozens of reports of high school football players collapsing with heart attacks (see, for instance, here and here and here and here). Even though it was not unheard of for a high school athlete to collapse in the past, such events were relatively rare. The rapid explosion of these incidents following the introduction of the Covid shots shows their deadly nature.
Below is a selection of entries from the VAERS database of heart injuries to children following vaccination against Covid-19 (for a fuller account see the source article here):
VAERS 1199455: 17-year-old girl had difficulty breathing and chest pain, suffered cardiac arrest 8 days after 1st Pfizer dose, and died on April 10, 2021
VAERS 1225942: 16-year-old girl had cardiac arrest at home 9 days after 1st Pfizer dose, and died on March 30, 2021. Had pulmonary emboli
VAERS 1420762: 17-year-old girl had cardiac arrest 6 days after Pfizer dose, and died on June 23, 2021
VAERS 1431289: 13-year-old boy had out-of-hospital cardiac arrest 17 days after 1st Pfizer dose, had large cerebellar haemorrhage, and died on June 20, 2021
VAERS 1693654: 15-year-old boy had cardiac arrest while driving a friend 10 days after 2nd Pfizer dose, suffered severe anoxic brain damage, on life support
VAERS 1702154: 16-year-old boy had out-of-hospital cardiac arrest 6 days after 1st Pfizer dose, and died on Sep.1, 2021
VAERS 1796194: 14-year-old boy had myocardial infarction and pericarditis 19 days after 1st Pfizer dose and was hospitalized in ICU. Permanently disabled (did not recover)
VAERS 1828901: 17-year-old girl presented with chest pain and dyspnoea for 48 hours, 36 days after 2nd Pfizer dose, had cardiac arrest, and died on Oct. 21, 2021
VAERS 1830419: 16-year-old boy had cardiac arrest while running, after 2nd Pfizer dose, had hypoxic encephalopathy, permanently disabled
VAERS 1959638: 15-year-old girl presented with chest and arm pain, had myocardial infarction 1 day after 1st dose of Pfizer, permanently disabled
VAERS 1971636: 14-year-old girl had dizziness, headache, then cardiac arrest 15 days after 1st Moderna dose, same day brain injury, died in hospital on Oct. 10, 2021
VAERS 1991078: 14-year-old girl presented with dyspnoea, seizure, had cardiac arrest 8 days after 1st Pfizer dose, died Nov. 6, 2021
VAERS 2042005: 13-year-old boy had cardiac arrest 7 months after 2nd Moderna dose, and died suddenly on Jan. 1, 2022
VAERS 2152560: 7-year-old boy had cardiac arrest 13 days after 1st Pfizer dose, and died on Feb.16, 2022
VAERS 2264954: 13-year-old boy had myocardial infarction and pericarditis 3 days after 1st Pfizer dose, permanently disabled
VAERS 2398786: 17-year-old boy had an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest 6 days after 3rd dose of Pfizer, and died on Jun. 22, 2022
VAERS 2458174: 15-year-old girl had a cardiac arrest after 2nd Moderna dose, and died (location unknown)
VAERS 2535782: 11-year-old boy had 3rd dose of Pfizer at 3:40pm; at 7:15pm, was found face immersed in bathtub, cardiac arrest, died 9pm, Dec. 13, 2022
VAERS 2543364: 14-year-old girl had 1st dose of Moderna, 16 days later had headache, dizziness, fever, then cardiac arrest, died on Oct. 11, 2021
VAERS 2582452: 12-year-old girl had acute myocardial infarction 5 days after 1st Pfizer dose, and died on Nov. 10, 2021
Tragic as this is, the entries above touch only heart attacks, which is only one of the serious side effects of the Pfizer and Moderna injections. In addition to heart attacks, these vaccines cause a wide array of side effects ranging from strokes to neurological damage.
One of the most poignant cases is that of Yonatan Moshe Erlichman, a lovely Israeli boy who was used as part of a state-sponsored TV campaign to push vaccines on Israeli children. Fully vaccinated poster child for the government’s effort to have all youngsters jabbed, the eight-year-old Yonatan suffered a fatal heart attack while in his bath.
Yonatan Moshe Erlichman, a poster child for Israel’s Covid vaccination campaign died of a heart attack at the age of eight.
Unbelievably, a similar fate was met by Santino Godoy Blanco, the poster child for the Argentine state-sponsored campaign to inject the children of that nation. This is what we learned about his tragic story:
“at the age of four, he died “suddenly and unexpectedly” in November 2022. Shortly before, he had been admitted to a clinic with a high fever and nausea. His death certificate states “bilateral pneumonia” as the cause; Even the Paul Ehrlich Institute admits in a “safety report” that Covid vaccinations can trigger pneumonia. Santino appeared on television as a telegenic animator for the nationwide vaccination campaign “Activá Vacunas.”
Santino Godoy Blanco, a young boy who was used by the Argentine government to push the Covid vaccine on children, died at the age of four.
To summarize the basic facts of the case:
Healthy children are at virtually no risk of serious Covid.
Covid injections do not prevent transmission.
Covid injections carry the risk of very serious side effects.
In light of these well-established facts, there is no medical, scientific, or logical basis to vaccinate healthy children against Covid.
The question is: Why, then, are there pediatricians in the United State who still needlessly inject young people with these dangerous substances?
Given what we know, vaccinating children against Covid makes zero sense. It produces no objective health benefits either to individual children or to society. It only exposes children to the risk of harm and, if anything, increases the possibility of transmission.
Vaccinating children against Covid flies in the face of the evidence, facts, and common sense.
Doctors who engage in this practice have no regard for facts, truth, or science. They are endangering the well-being of the children entrusted to their care. By doing this they violate the sacred principle of the Hippocratic oath: “Do no harm.”
Every doctor who continues to engage in this senseless practice should realize that there is a good chance that he or she will sooner or later either seriously injure or kill a child. These unfortunate children will have suffered for nothing, since from a medical point of view, these shots are useless. They are, in fact, worse than useless: they are outright harmful and dangerous.
Unnecessarily injecting healthy children with the mRNA substances that have an abysmal safety profile is an act of reckless medical malpractice. Doctors who do this are either willfully blind or worse. What they do is demonstrably wrong and harmful. Their actions are unconscionable and inexcusable.
The practice of vaccinating healthy children against Covid-19 must be stopped, because there is no medical, scientific, or logical reason for doing so.
The post Practising the Inexcusable: Vaccinating Children Against Covid-19 appeared first on LewRockwell.
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