Meet New FLCCC Senior Fellows

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Speakers: Dr. Joseph Varon, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Chris Martenson, Dr. Yusuf (JP) Saleeby, Dr. Kirk Milhoan, Dr. Kimberly Biss

Dr. Joseph Varon and Dr. Chris Martenson review the latest Trickle Truth news and welcome FLCCC new senior fellows.

As the world gradually awakens to the truths highlighted by FLCCC board member and Senior Fellow of Toxicology Chris Martenson, the importance of restoring integrity in medicine and science becomes increasingly evident. The FLCCC’s new fellowship program aims to achieve just that, by fostering collaboration among top experts dedicated to advancing medical knowledge and patient care.

Trickle Truths Are Mounting

Chris Martenson has been pivotal in bringing critical revelations about the COVID era to light. That’s a journey that started way back in 2020, and now you can see just how right Martenson has been all along by looking at the emerging bevy of “trickle truths” in the media.

As these truths continue to emerge, they reinforce the need for transparent and honest medical practices.

Meet the New FLCCC Senior Fellows!

The FLCCC is proud to introduce its new senior fellowship program, designed to bring together leading minds in medicine and science. This program is a crucial step towards building a more informed and resilient healthcare community and supporting Honest Medicine™.

In today’s webinar, we were joined by a handful of FLCCC’s new senior fellows:

Dr. Yusuf (JP) Saleeby – Functional and Integrative Medicine
Dr. Kimberly Biss – Obstetrics and Gynecology
Dr. Kirk Milhoan – Pediatric Cardiology
Dr. Ryan Cole – Pathology

These senior fellows, along with several others, bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the FLCCC Alliance. While each person brings a unique set of skills to the table, the fellows are all united by one common trait: integrity.

As Senior Fellow Dr. Ryan Cole points out: “With these wonderful fellows, we may share disparate opinions, but we can have the conversation and that’s the most critical aspect in science – to agree and to disagree, but to learn from the process while we all learn together, put forward the hypothesis test it.”

For more details on the FLCCC fellows, visit the fellowship page here.

The Future of Honest Medicine

The introduction of the FLCCC senior fellowship program marks a significant milestone in the journey towards a more transparent and effective healthcare system. By bringing together these esteemed professionals, the FLCCC is paving the way for groundbreaking advancements and the restoration of trust in medical science.

Together, we look forward to a future where Honest Medicine™ and innovation drive patient care.


Support: FLCCC Alliance

The post Meet New FLCCC Senior Fellows appeared first on FLCCC Alliance.

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