Health Officials Concerned Over Possible RSV Vaccine Link To Rare Neurological Condition

Health Officials Concerned Over Possible RSV Vaccine Link To Rare Neurological Condition

“Trust the science,” they told us… 

At a time when the largest mRNA Covid vaccine peer-reviewed study recently revealed increases in neurological, blood, and heart-related conditions, along with the pharma-industrial complex unleashing a ‘blitzkrieg’ of vaccine commercials across corporate media outlets, a new report has found that vaccines for respiratory syncytial virus could be causing a rare nervous system disorder in older adults. 

The New York Times has reported that new safety data for two RSV vaccines, presented at a meeting of scientific advisers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday, indicates that Guillain-Barre syndrome – a rare condition where the immune system attacks nerve cells, leading to muscle weakness and paralysis – may have occurred in adults over 60 who received the vaccines. Two vaccines, Pfizer’s Abrysvo and GSK’s Arexvy, are currently available on the market.

Officials said the rare disease that attacks the immune system was found in two cases per 100,000 vaccinated, and added more data is needed to understand the risks. 

“At this point, due to the uncertainties and limitations, these early data cannot establish if there is an increased risk for GBS after vaccination in this age group,” Dr. Thomas Shimabukuro, director of the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office, said at the meeting on Thursday. 

Dr. Shimabukuro continued: Increased surveillance “will be better able to determine if an increased risk for GBS after RSV vaccination is present, and if so the magnitude of the risk.” 

NYTimes pointed out the new safety data was derived from multiple databases maintained by federal health agencies: 

“Of 37 preliminary reports in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, officials verified 23 by medical record review, 15 with Abrysvo and eight after Arexvy, Dr. Shimabukuro said. There were nearly three additional cases of GBS per million doses of Abrysvo than would be expected in the population of older Americans.

“A separate database identified four cases of GBS linked to Arexvy, translating to an estimated 14 cases per million doses administered. That system did not pick up any cases after shots of Abrysvo. But the vaccine accounted for only about 10 percent of the total doses recorded in the database.” -NYTimes

“I will say that these rates are higher than rates that we’ve observed for high-dose influenza and for Shingrix,” Dr. Shimabukuro said.

NYTimes also noted, “Additional data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services indicated that the incidence of Guillain-Barré syndrome after vaccination with Abrysvo was roughly five times higher than would be expected. The incidence after vaccination with Arexvy was not statistically significant.” 

A GSK spokeswoman told the media outlet, “There are limitations to all of these data, and further analysis by FDA, CDC and the vaccine manufacturers are needed to confirm and quantify any potential risk.” 

One X user makes a good point. 

When the @nytimes says an RSV “vaccine” may “slightly” increase risk of a horrible neurological condition – readers should interpret that to mean definitely will increase the risk. There has been no bigger a shill for Big Pharma’s “vaccines” than NYT – so know your source!$MRNA

— Blue Duck Capital Partners (@BlueDuckCap) February 29, 2024

Another said, “Trust the science.” 

Officials investigate rare nervous system disorder in older adults who got RSV vaccine – AP

Trust the science

— The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) March 1, 2024

“Of course, they begin by saying it’s so “Rare” until it’s not,” another X user said.

Here we go again, this time with the RSV shots “Officials said they were investigating more than 20 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, an rare illness in which a person’s immune system damages nerve cells, causing muscle weakness and paralysis.”

Of course…

— Daniel Horowitz (@RMConservative) March 1, 2024

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has warned about the lack of vaccine testing…

RFK JR – The Vaccine Act was a Gold Rush for Big Pharma- Why are we Giving Babies Hepatitis B Vaccines?

— healthbot (@thehealthb0t) February 7, 2024

Remember this…

RFK Jr. Scores Big Win In Lawsuit Accusing Biden Admin Of Censoring COVID Vaccine Info

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) February 17, 2024

Perhaps Americans need to look at total health instead of relying on one-shot vaccines pitched as “miracle drugs.” 

Tyler Durden
Fri, 03/01/2024 – 15:20

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